Duplex Room Decoration Precautions

Duplex decoration and suite decoration are very different. The so-called penthouse is generally referred to as the addition of a mezzanine to a higher floor in each household. The total height of the two floors is much lower than that of the penthouse (3.3 meters for the duplex and 5.6 meters for the general leap). The lower layer is for daily use, such as cooking, eating, bathing, etc., and the upper layer is for resting sleep and storage. With the increase in the number of duplex buildings, duplex decoration has also become increasingly popular. What are the characteristics of double-room renovation?

Each staircase is still designed

Duplex decoration highlights:

Lofty living room highlights dignity: the general double-storey building is a superposition of two flat floors, and the upper and lower floors are connected by stairs. Now, there are more room-to-room pick-ups in the living room, so that the upstairs and downstairs can be effectively integrated. It is conducive to communication and communication between family members. It also makes the interior have a certain height difference and forms a rare three-dimensional space. The part of the compound room picking space is generally half of the living room area, and its effect is also beneficial to the lighting and ventilation effects of the first floor. The remaining part can be used as a rest area. Such a design is more humanized and lives.

Diverse lighting to create the atmosphere: As the duplex room has enough height drop, when doing double-decoration ceiling, the choice of lamp style is more, you can choose some luxury luxury lamps to reflect the owner's quality of life. In the selection of living room lamps, decorate with more upscale lamps to prepare for family gatherings or major events. In other places, chandeliers, downlights, spotlights, wall lights, etc. can be used flexibly, and it will be very melodious and changeable, lively and lively. In the vicinity of the stairs, there must be guidance of lighting, which is also an embellishment of interior effects. In this way, by designing different lights, the level of lightness and darkness of the primary and secondary changes, creating a comfortable and casual home atmosphere.

Personality staircase rhythm flying: In the decoration of the villa and duplex room decoration, the stairs are the focus of the renovation, it is not only an important channel connecting upstairs and downstairs, but also shows the decoration style and owner of a bright spot. In recent years, there are several types of duplex decoration on the selection of stairs:

1. Straight ladder. It is rare now. Because it takes up too much space.

2. Arc ladder. There are still some penthouses with this design, but this design is only suitable for large-scale penthouse decoration.

3. Ladder. Most of the duplex building decoration design choice.

4. Ladder. Variants of ladders.

Entrance decoration restaurant decoration staircase decoration room decoration interior decoration ceiling decoration living room lamp living room lighting decoration living room decoration partition living room painting decoration style steel wood interior door cloth sofa fabric sofa cushion fabric sofa painting villa decoration design European home European villa type floor residential luxury Villa villa villa area chinese villa decoration

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