Inspire innovation! The state allows researchers and teachers to work part-time and paid

Abstract Recently, the "Opinions on Implementing the Policy of Adding Knowledge-Oriented Distribution" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as opinions) pointed out that researchers and teachers are allowed to use appropriate part-time and part-time salaries according to law, including permission. Researchers work part-time...
Recently, the "Opinions on the Implementation of the Policy of Adding Knowledge Value-Oriented Distribution" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as opinions) pointed out that researchers and teachers are allowed to work according to the law according to the law, including part-time and part-time compensation, including allowing scientific research. Personnel engaged in part-time work to obtain legal income and allow college teachers to engage in multi-point teaching to obtain legal income.
The opinions are clear. Under the premise of fulfilling their duties and completing their duties, the scientific research personnel can go to the enterprise and other scientific research institutions, universities, social organizations and other part-time jobs and obtain legal remuneration with the consent of their own units. Researchers are encouraged to participate in public welfare part-time jobs and actively participate in decision-making consultation, poverty alleviation, scientific popularization, legal aid and academic organizations.
The opinion emphasizes that scientific research institutions and universities should stipulate or agree with the scientific research personnel to part-time rights and obligations, and implement the part-time publicity system for scientific research personnel. Part-time behaviors must not disclose the technical secrets of the unit, damage or encroach upon the legitimate rights and interests of the unit, and violate the social responsibility of the undertaking. In principle, the remuneration obtained by part-time employment belongs to individuals, and establishes a reporting system for part-time income such as equity and dividends.
The opinion pointed out that college teachers can carry out multi-point teaching and receive remuneration with the approval of their units. Encourage the use of a variety of media such as the Internet platform to promote the social sharing of quality teaching materials such as quality textbooks and courses, and teach teachers to get paid according to market mechanisms.
The full text of the "Opinions on the Implementation of the Policy of Adding Knowledge-Based Distribution" is as follows.
In order to accelerate the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, stimulate the enthusiasm of researchers for innovation and entrepreneurship, and create an atmosphere of respecting labor, respecting knowledge, respecting talents, and respecting creation in the whole society, the following opinions are proposed to implement a distribution policy based on increasing knowledge value.

I. General requirements (1) Basic ideas Fully implement the spirit of the Party's 18th and 18th Central, 4th and 5th Plenary Sessions and the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, and accelerate the implementation of innovation Drive the development strategy, implement the distribution policy oriented by increasing knowledge value, give full play to the incentive-oriented role of income distribution policies, stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the majority of scientific researchers, encourage more results, produce results, and produce good results. Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity. Coordinate the different science categories such as natural sciences, philosophy and social sciences, coordinate basic research, applied research, technology development, and transformation of results into a whole innovation chain, and strengthen system design and classification management. Give full play to the role of the market mechanism, and strengthen the basic wages, increase incentives for performance-based wage distribution, and implement incentives such as the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, so that the income of scientific researchers is closely linked with job responsibilities, job performance, and actual contributions, and knowledge is formed in the whole society. Create a virtuous circle of value and value creators to obtain a reasonable return, and build an income distribution mechanism that reflects the value of knowledge.
(2) Main principles - Adhere to value orientation. In view of the incomplete matching of the actual contribution of scientific research personnel in China and the incomplete matching of income distribution, equity incentives, such as the lack of policies for long-term incentives for innovation, and the imperfect internal distribution incentive mechanism, clear distribution orientation, improve the distribution mechanism, and enable researchers to create income and create The scientific value, economic value and social value are closely linked.
- Implement classification policy. According to the characteristics of intellectual labor of different innovation subjects, different innovation fields and different innovation links, we will implement targeted distribution policies, coordinate macro-control and targeted policies, and explore effective ways to realize knowledge value.
- Both incentives and constraints are important. Take people as the starting point and foothold of policy incentives, strengthen long-term incentives such as property rights, improve the mid- and long-term assessment and evaluation mechanism, and highlight performance contributions. Reasonably regulate the income gap between different types of units in different regions and in the same region.
- The combination of spiritual and material incentives. Using a variety of incentives, while increasing the incentives for material income, we should pay attention to the role of spiritual incentives, vigorously recognize the scientific research personnel with outstanding achievements in innovation, and create a social atmosphere that encourages exploration and encourages innovation.

Second, promote the formation of an income distribution mechanism that reflects the increase in the value of knowledge. (1) Gradually increase the income level of researchers. On the basis of ensuring the normal growth of basic wages, we will gradually improve the basic performance wages that reflect the duties of scientific researchers and assume the tasks entrusted by the government and society, and establish a stable growth mechanism for performance wages. Increase the incentives for scientific research personnel and innovative teams that have made outstanding contributions, and increase the proportion of scientific and technological achievements in research and transformation. Strengthen performance evaluation and assessment, and link income distribution with assessment results.
(2) Giving full play to the incentive and guidance of funds for financial research projects. The classification management of scientific research projects with different functions and funding sources is carried out. On the basis of performance evaluation, the performance incentives for scientific research personnel are intensified. Improve the research project fund and results management system, and gradually implement contract system management for targeted application-oriented scientific research projects. Implement a government procurement service system for social science research institutions and think tanks.
(3) Encourage scientific research personnel to obtain reasonable income through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Actively explore effective ways to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and realize the value of knowledge through market allocation of resources. When implementing the transformation of scientific and technological achievements generated by financially funded scientific research projects, the proportion of income distribution between the project undertaker and the performer should be clarified. For the horizontally entrusted projects entrusted by enterprises and other social organizations, the project undertaker and scientific research personnel are allowed to agree on the use rights of intellectual property rights and the conversion income through contracts, and to explore the ownership or long-term use rights of scientific research personnel. Gradually increase the standard of remuneration such as royalties and royalties, and increase the income of researchers.

Third, expand the scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, income distribution autonomy (1) to guide scientific research institutions, colleges and universities to implement the distribution methods that reflect their own characteristics. To give scientific research institutions and universities greater autonomy in income distribution, scientific research institutions and universities must fulfill their legal person responsibilities, and in accordance with their functional orientation and development direction, formulate incentives for income distribution of scientific and technological innovation talents with actual contributions as evaluation criteria, highlighting performance orientation and establishing The income distribution incentive mechanism is consistent with the post responsibility objectives, and rationally adjusts the income distribution relationship between teaching staff, scientific research personnel, experimental design and development personnel, support personnel, and personnel who specialize in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. For those who have engaged in basic research, agriculture and social welfare research and other research and development cycles, the income distribution will be adjusted and adjusted. By optimizing the wage structure, the basic wage income will be steadily increased, and the performance rewards for major scientific and technological innovation achievements will be strengthened. The follow-up scientific and technological achievements transform the income feedback mechanism, so that researchers can concentrate on research. For those engaged in applied research and technology development, incentives and rewards are mainly achieved through the transformation of market mechanisms and scientific and technological achievements. For those engaged in philosophical and social science research, theoretical innovation, decision-making consultation support and social influence are the basic basis for evaluation, and a reasonable intellectual labor compensation incentive mechanism is formed. Improve relevant management systems and increase incentives for research assistants. Scientifically set the assessment cycle, reasonably determine the evaluation time limit, avoid short-term frequent assessment, and form a long-term incentive orientation.
(2) Improve the internal incentive mechanism that suits the characteristics of college teaching posts. Teaching achievements and achievements are an important basis for the promotion of teachers' titles and income distribution. For those who are full-time teaching, appropriately increase the proportion of basic performance wages in performance-based wages, and increase the incentives for teaching-type teachers. The teaching theory research, the exploration of teaching methods, the development of high-quality teaching resources, and the innovation of teaching methods carried out by university teachers are given a tilt in performance salary distribution.
(3) Implementing the autonomy of scientific research institutions and universities in terms of job setting, personnel recruitment, performance salary distribution, and project fund management. The post management of scientific research personnel, the employer in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, combined with actual needs, a reasonable proportion of the structure of the post level, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for professional and technical posts at all levels. Improve performance payroll management, scientific research institutions, universities independently determine performance appraisal and performance allocation methods. The financial research project is given the unit to the unit to use the indirect funds. Reasonably adjust the income gap of various types of posts within the unit. In addition to the income from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the internal income gap of the unit should be kept within a reasonable range. Actively solve the problem of low income and treatment of young researchers and teachers in some positions, and strengthen the construction of academic echelons.
(4) Pay attention to the assessment of medium and long-term goals of scientific research institutions and universities. In combination with scientific research institutions, university classification reform and responsibilities, strengthen the assessment of medium and long-term goals of scientific research institutions and universities, establish a fund allocation system and employee income adjustment mechanism linked to the evaluation results, and increase performance incentives for evaluation excellence. For qualified scientific research institutions, explore the implementation of the contract management system, determine the appropriation, performance salary level and distribution method according to the completion of the objectives agreed in the contract. We will improve the internal public disclosure system for scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, financial allocations, income and expenditures for scientific research projects, transformation of scientific research results, and income.

Fourth, further play the role of incentives and guidance for research project funds (1) Give play to the incentive role of financial research project funds in the distribution of knowledge value. Improve the management of financial funds according to the characteristics of scientific research projects, and increase incentives for scientific research personnel. For intellectually intensive projects such as basic research, software development and soft science research, which are low in dependence on experimental equipment and low in experimental materials, the project undertaker should establish and improve labor service and indirect fund management methods in line with its own characteristics within the framework of national policies. The project undertaker can combine the performance of scientific research personnel and reasonably arrange the performance expenditure in indirect funds. Establish a financial science and technology fund supervision system that conforms to the law of scientific and technological innovation, and explore the implementation of negative inventory management of expenditures in conditional scientific research projects. Personal income is not directly linked to the amount of projects undertaken and the level of funding received.
(2) Improve the management system for funds commissioned by scientific research institutions and universities. For the horizontally commissioned projects entrusted by enterprises and other social organizations, the use of personnel funds shall be managed in accordance with the contract. The awards for technical development, technical consultation, technical services and other activities are carried out in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements and the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements. It is determined by the unit. Scientific research institutions and universities should give priority to ensuring that scientific research personnel perform public welfare functions such as scientific research and teaching; scientific research personnel shall undertake horizontally entrusted projects, and shall not affect their duties and perform their duties.
(3) Improve the project fund management system in the field of philosophy and social science research. For eligible think tank projects, explore the government purchase service system, and the project funds shall be managed and used by the project undertaker in accordance with the service contract. Revise the project fund management measures of the National Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education's Philosophy and Social Science Prosperity Plan, abolish the labor cost ratio limit, clarify the scope of labor expenses, and increase the indirect cost compensation for the project undertaker and the performance incentives of scientific researchers.

V. Strengthening the long-term incentives for scientific and technological achievements property rights to scientific research personnel (1) Strengthening the legal person responsibility of scientific research institutions and universities to implement long-term incentives for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Adhere to the long-term property rights incentives and cash incentives, explore the implementation of equity, options and dividend incentives for scientific research personnel, and increase the transformation of intellectual property rights and scientific and technological achievements in patent rights, copyrights, new plant variety rights, and exclusive rights to integrated circuit layout designs. Incentives in terms of equity and post dividends. Scientific research institutions and universities shall establish and improve the internal management and reward system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and independently decide on the distribution of income and rewards for scientific and technological achievements, and the responsible persons of the units and relevant responsible persons shall follow the "People's Republic of China to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements" and "implementation of China" The People's Republic of China promotes the "Several Regulations on the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements" is exempted from liability and constructs medium- and long-term incentive mechanisms for equity incentives for scientific and technological personnel. The use of scientific and technological achievements for stocks as a reward for scientific and technological personnel involves registration and change of equity, and does not need to be submitted to the competent authorities of scientific research institutions or universities for examination and approval. Accelerate the introduction of state-owned shares formed by unsold small and medium-sized enterprises by scientific research institutions and universities to invest in scientific and technological achievements, and exempt the policy of transferring to the national social security fund when the company is listed.
(2) Improve the management system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and scientific and technological achievements of scientific research institutions and university leaders. The scientific research institutions, the full-time leaders of the universities and the members of the leading group are centrally managed cadres, and the leading employees of the subordinate units who are legal representatives represent the equity acquired by the transformation of scientific and technological achievements before the current position. They should be transferred in time after the appointment. Limit the transaction during the term of office. In the case of restrictions on equity transactions, the restrictions are lifted one year after I do not hold the above positions. Relevant departments and units should speed up the formulation of specific implementation measures.
(3) Improve the medium- and long-term incentive mechanism for state-owned enterprises to researchers. Respect the autonomy of enterprises as the mainstay of market economy in income distribution, and improve the reward system linked to the income of scientific research personnel of state-owned enterprises and scientific and technological achievements and innovation performance. Scientific research personnel of state-owned enterprises shall, in accordance with the contractual remuneration, explore a market-based remuneration system such as agreed wages and project wages for international high-end scientific and technological talents and high-end skilled personnel. Eligible state-owned science and technology enterprises may use equity shares, equity awards, equity options and other equity methods, or project dividends, job dividends and other dividends to encourage.
(4) Improve relevant taxation policies such as equity incentives. We will implement deferred tax preferential policies for eligible stock options, equity options, restricted stocks, equity awards, and investment in scientific and technological achievements, encourage researchers to innovate and start businesses, and further promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

6. Allowing scientific research personnel and teachers to properly and part-time and part-time according to law (1) Allowing scientific research personnel to engage in part-time work to obtain legal income. Under the premise of fulfilling their duties and completing their duties, scientific research personnel can go to the enterprise and other scientific research institutions, universities, social organizations and other part-time jobs and obtain legal remuneration with the consent of their units. Researchers are encouraged to participate in public welfare part-time jobs and actively participate in decision-making consultation, poverty alleviation, scientific popularization, legal aid and academic organizations. Scientific research institutions and universities shall stipulate or agree with the scientific research personnel on the rights and obligations of part-time work, and implement the part-time publicity system for scientific research personnel. Part-time behaviors shall not disclose the technical secrets of the unit, damage or encroach upon the legitimate rights and interests of the unit, and violate the social responsibility of the undertaking. In principle, the remuneration obtained by part-time employment belongs to individuals, and establishes a reporting system for part-time income such as equity and dividends. The part-time and remuneration of scientific research personnel in leadership positions shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations of the central government. With the approval of the unit, scientific research personnel can leave the post to engage in innovation and entrepreneurial activities such as the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The income from part-time or off-campus entrepreneurship is not subject to the total amount of performance wages of the unit. Individuals must truthfully report part-time income to the unit for filing, and pay personal income tax according to relevant regulations.
(2) Allowing university teachers to engage in multi-point teaching to obtain legal income. College teachers can carry out multi-point teaching and receive remuneration with the approval of their own units. Encourage the use of a variety of media such as the Internet platform to promote the social sharing of quality teaching materials such as quality textbooks and courses, and teach teachers to get paid according to market mechanisms.

7. Strengthen organizational implementation (1) Strengthen linkages. All localities and departments should strengthen organizational leadership, improve working mechanisms, strengthen departmental coordination and linkage, formulate implementation rules and supporting policies and measures, strengthen supervision and inspection, and ensure that all tasks are implemented. Strengthen policy interpretation and publicity, strengthen cadre learning and training, and stimulate the enthusiasm of innovation and entrepreneurship of researchers.
(2) Try first. Choose some places and units to carry out pilot projects in advance with the actual situation, encourage bold exploration, take the lead in breaking through, and promote successful experiences in a timely manner. Establish a fault-tolerant mechanism for the reform of grassroots measures tailored to local conditions.
(3) Strengthening assessment. All localities and departments must promptly formulate incentives, assessment and evaluation management methods that increase knowledge value-oriented, establish third-party evaluation and evaluation mechanisms, standardize relevant incentive measures, and form positive incentives that are both dynamic and standardized in the whole society.
This opinion applies to scientific research institutions, universities and state-owned enterprises (companies) established by the state. Other units may refer to the spirit of this opinion for knowledge-based, technical, and innovative workers, and formulate specific income distribution methods based on their actual conditions. The income distribution policies of scientific research institutions, universities, and enterprises in the national defense and military systems shall be separately formulated.

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